Wisdom Teeth Adolescent Dentistry
Ferguson Dental Associates
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Wisdom teeth, or third molars, usually appear between ages 17 and 21. Healthy wisdom teeth that have room to erupt and do so without complication are an asset. However, wisdom teeth can often cause problems and should be monitored during adolescence.

When the jaw isn’t large enough, wisdom teeth can become impacted, growing sideways, emerging only part way, or remaining trapped beneath the gum and bone. Potential complications include a condition known as pericoronitis which is an infection where bacteria, plaque and other debris become trapped in between the space of the impacted tooth and the gum. Additionally, teens that have received orthodontic treatment typically have less space for wisdom teeth to fully erupt.

Because impacted wisdom teeth can damage adjacent teeth and cause infection and pain, removal is often recommended. Dr. Ferguson can extract most wisdom teeth here in our office. For more complicated cases, we will refer you to a specialist. Removing unhealthy wisdom teeth should be considered as early as possible as younger patients generally experience fewer complications and heal more quickly.